Is Counseling Right for You?
If you are thinking about family therapy, relationship, or individual counseling, deciding what services you want and which therapist to work with can be challenging. It’s a good idea to consider the qualifications of a therapist, her or his licensing, credentials, and professional training as well as your own gut feeling and comfort level with a therapist. In addition to academic training, it is important that your counselor has looked at his or her own issues and has the capacity for self-reflection and the ability to listen with compassion.
Please listen to your intuition and gut feelings. A feeling of connection and safety between us is essential for successful therapy. At our first meeting I invite you to notice how it feels to be with me as part of making your decision.
Do you feel heard?
Do you think you will be able to trust me?
Do you feel respected?
In therapy you can learn to:
Develop balance in your life
Connect with and honor your needs
Have more healthy and satisfying relationships
Recognize your strengths and appreciate who you are
Build resources and resilience
Work through trauma, loss and grief
Develop healthy boundaries
Resolve conflicts
Decrease anxiety and depression
Assert yourself in healthy ways
Connect to your heart and find more joy
Psychotherapy requires a collaboration between therapist and client which involves a commitment of time and energy, as well as financial resources. As a client you should expect privacy, confidentiality, respect, and an environment of safety and compassion.