Family Therapy
My strengths and my passion are helping families. I create a space of warmth and acceptance, where we explore and honor your strengths. I will help you find your way, as individuals and as a family, to increased connection.
Family relationships are often the most potent and challenging. We are all part of a family and, although we all long so much to share our hearts, it is in family that we often have the most difficulty. This is where counseling can help.
Family counseling can:
Help families find balance and decrease stress.
Support parents to take their seats as parents with increased confidence in their ability to provide loving boundaries based on appreciation and understanding of strengths and not based on fear.
Support parents to own their fears. By nature parenting invokes fear because we care so much about our children. If we don’t acknowledge and take responsibility for our fears they can become a burden our children will carry. Owning our fears and deciding to parent based on love will sustain our children throughout their lives.
Help children and teens find their voice and increase their ability to listen and be heard.
Empower mothers and fathers to appreciate the unique gifts they have to offer their families.
Together we will decide a course of work which can include individual counseling and/or family therapy sessions in my office, phone coaching sessions, and/or parenting focused counseling sessions.